(Torrid Productions will not claim any rights, representation, ownership, or responsibility of submitted materials. The authorship rights of each entry will be the sole responsibility of the person(s) submitting their film(s).


Q: What is the purpose of this event?
A: To keep the Bay Area independent film scene thriving offering an action / adventure themed event.

Q: When is the Deadline and does it have to be created this year?
A: Monday, March 6, 2023. We recommend films to be done between now and the deadline, however, if you have something already produced after 2020, that's cool.

Q: What is the submission fee?
A: $10. (Via Paypal or Venmo)
HOWEVER, due to pandemic hardships, ALL ENTRIES FEES ARE WAIVED FOR THE 2023 EVENT

Q: What's the maximum length of film submission and what will it be judge on?
A: Anything 10 min. or under. The films will be judged on their merits of resourcefulness, style of storytelling, effort, and overall presentation. Even though this festival is geared towards Amateurs, the key is to "look professional".
The bottom line to ask yourself is "Will my film be worth the 10 minutes that an audience member can not get back in their life?"

Q: What is the deal with Fan Films?
A: Fan Fiction Films are welcomed, however, please take into consideration that with all the work you do, your demographics will be limited. Most film festivals only accept original films unless you own/access the rights to the respectful intellectual copies. Here is some more enlightenment based on a popular franchise.

Q: What is Torrid Productions?
A: A network of Filmmakers, Musicians, Artisans, and Promoters hosting a series of film festivals in the Bay Area including public forums on indie moviemaking.
Subsideraries also include Facebook groups - Cos&FX and The Bay Area Sci-Fi Fantasy Horror Filmmakers Group.

Q: How "R" can we make our Rated R material?
A: At your discretion, we recommend everyone to use common sense. Blood is great, therefore, use as many gallons as you desire. Our only restrictions would include racial or sexual defamation, xxx, Identity Politics, or snuff films. In additions, any product or organization promos would not be accepted.

Q: What's the best format to submit my film?
A: We have switched over to 100% online submissions through downloadable Vimeo and Youtube links.